Saturday, April 25, 2009

Introduction of OSTEOARTHRITIS

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Introduction of OSTEOARTHRITIS


Among more than 100 types of joint disease that is known, is an aberration osteoarthritis joints are most commonly found. This disease is slowly progressive, generally occur in old age, although age is not the only risk factor.
Osteoarthritis attack joints-joints such as the cantilever body genu, hips, shoulder, hand and finger bones back. Worldwide is estimated to 9.6% men and 18% of women over the age of 60 years suffering from osteoarthritis. Joints the most experienced osteoarthritis is knee joints. Osteoarthritis Almost 80% osteoarthritis at the age above 60 years is osteoarthritis genu.
In Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, nearly reached 56.7%. Incident at the age of less than 20 years, only about 10% and increased to more than 80% at age above 55 years.
Prevalence of osteoarthritis genu in Indonesia is quite large. Because of high prevalence and is a chronicle progressive, osteoarthritis have any impact on the social and economic big enough. An estimated one to two million people suffer disability in Indonesia because osteoarthritis. In the future challenges to the impact of osteoarthritis became greater because more and more of the population older aged.



Osteoarthritis genu is a joint disease related degenerative with cartilago damaged knee joints, is a disease damages the joint cartilage and slow growing it is not known, although there are some risk factors that play a role. These conditions related to old age.


Knee joint is a combination of the three joints, namely patelofemoral, tibiofemoral medial and lateral tibiofemoral. On the tibiofemoral joint, there is meniscus lateralis and medial. Meniscus is a discus fibrokartilago or flat triangle or irreguler attached to the capsule fibrosa and always in one of the adjacent bones. Meniskus contain collagen type I up to 60-90% proteoglikan while only 10%. Glikosaminoglikan constituents is the most condroitine sulphate and dermatan sulphate and keratan sulphate are very small. Besides fibrokartilago meniscus also significantly easier when broken.
Knee joints strengthened by a strong joint capsule, and medial collateral ligament maintain a stable knee that does not move to the lateral and medial and ligamentum crusiatum anterior and posterior are not going to keep hiperfleksi and knee joints hiperekstension. Flexy knee rotation followed to Internal tibia, knee extension while the rotation will be followed to increase the torque on the style of the time extension so that the knee quadriceps femoris muscle work is not too strong.


There are two major changes in morphology of color osteoarthritis the damage of joint cartilage and the progressive formation of new bone at the base injury cartilage joints and edge joints (osteofit). Changes that first emerged, until now have not understood.
Research shows that changes in joint cartilage metabolism have emerged since the patologic osteoarthritis. These changes include increased activity of enzyme-enzyme macromolecular damage the joint cartilage matrix (collagen and proteoglican). This decline in value proteoglican, changes in nature and less collagen content of water joint cartilage.
Currently osteoarthritis not be regarded only as degenerative process, but also is an active process with the disease. With the changes in the cartilage macro molekular, the nature bio mechanism cartilage joints akan changed. This will cause the joint cartilage vulnerable to normal load. Cartilage surface of the joints were not homogeneous, with a split split split split-and-relief ulceration. With the development of disease, joint cartilage can disappear entirely so that the bone underneath to become open.
The formation of new bone (osteofit) is seen by some experts as a process improvement to re-edge or pivot joints. With the broad surface of the joints that can accept the burden, osteofit may improve the early changes in joint cartilage osteoarthritis, but the actual relationship between osteofit damage to the joint cartilage is not yet clear, because osteofit can arise when the joint cartilage is still appeared normal.

Risk factors

There are several risk factors known to be closely associated with the occurrence of osteoarthritis genu:

1. age
from all osteoarthritis occurrence of risk factors, factors that are important too. Prevalence of the disease and the weight osteoarthritis increasing with increasing age. Osteoartritis almost never found in children, rare in the age under 40 years of age and often in the top 60 in the year. Genu of osteoarthritis increase in age more than 65 years, both in the clinic, and radiology. view radiology a heavy (grade III and IV according to the criteria Kell-green-Lawrence) progressively increased with increasing age, ie 11.5% at the age of less than 70 years, 17.8% in the age 7079 years and 19.4% at the age of more than 80 years, women have a description radiology osteoarthritis weight is 10.6% less and at the age of 70 years, 17.6% at age 70-79 years and 21.1% in the age over 80 years while the men - 12.8% in men aged less than 70 years, 18.2% in the age 7079 years and 17.9% in the age over 80 years.
Osteoarthritis radiology prevalence increased according to age. At the age of 45 years under the rarely established picture radiology the weight. In the old age radiology osteoarthritis genu of weight reaches 20%. In the other study found that with the increasing age, the weight osteoarthritis the radiology will increase exponentially.

2. sex
women more often osteoarthritis genu and men more often osteoarthritis thigh, wrist hands and neck. Overall, under the age of 45 years frequency osteoarthritis more or less the same in men and women, but above the age of 50 years after the menopause frequency osteoarthritis more in women than men. This shows the hormonal role. From 500 patients with osteoarthritis on the limb, that is 41.9% of osteoarthritis genu and the number of women more than men (1.3: 1).

3. job
heavy work and the one joint that constantly associated with increased risk and exercise is also a factor predispocycion osteoanthrocise knee joints. Research HANES I find that many workers who are a burden akan knee joints have osteoarthritis genu risk fell ill more than many workers who do not burden knee

4. obesity
Excessive body weight associated with a significantly increased risk to arise osteoarthritis in women and men. Maquet try explaining bio mechanical load on the knee received Obesity. In the normal situation, style of body weight through to medial knee joint and will be offset by thigh musculature so that the lateral result will fall on the central knee joints. Obesity on the circumstances, result style will be shifted to the medial received so that the burden of knee joint not balanced. In the case of weight change can arise form a joint varus of the friction result style to the medial

5. tribes
prevalence and pattern in the joints osteoarthritis appear different among the respective tribes. osteoarthritis genu more often found in people in Asia, while the pelvic osteoarthritis more often in the Caucasus. osteoarthritis thigh more rarely in black and Asia than Caucasian. This may be related to differences in lifestyle and the difference in the frequency deviation congenital and growth. Frequency osteoarthritis genu in black women higher than in white women, whereas in men, the frequency of the same with black on white.

6. genetic
the mutation in the genes prokolagen II or gen-gen to other structural elements such as cartilage collagen type IX and XII, protein proteoglicant said bond or a role in the occurrence of familial tendency in osteoarthritis.

7. other factors
said the high density re-emergence could increase the risk osteoarthritis. This may occur because the bones are more dense (hard) does not help reduce the impact load on the joints. As a result, joint cartilage becomes more easily torn. Factor is suspected to play a role in the high osteoarthritis on the fat and the runner (who generally have a more dense bone)


In general, people say that the complaint osteoarthritis-symptoms already lasted a long time, but grow slowly. Symptoms can include:

A. painful joints

Clinical symptoms of the most prominent is painful. There are three places which can be a source of pain, namely cinovium, network software joints and bones. cinovium painful reaction can occur due to inflammation that arises as a result of debris and liquid crystals in joints. It also can occur due to contact with vulnerable joints in the joints moving. Damage to the network software can cause painful joints, such as rags ligamen and joint capsule, inflammation or damage to the bursa meniscus. Pain originating from the bone usually caused excitement in the periosteum as rich periosteum akan fiber-fiber painful recipient.
In addition, pain is influenced by the circumstances psikology patients, so it is recommended to evaluate psychology in management people osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis pain in the genu, usually have a diurnal rhythm, the pain will increase in time to sleep and wake up the afternoon. In addition, pain can also arise when a lot of running, up and down stairs or moving suddenly. The pain usually will not go missing with the rest, but in the information, although the pain will settle people have a break

B. obstacle movement joints

This interference is usually heavy with growing slowly in line with the increase in pain. This change is often already there, although that is still in the early osteoarthritis. Usually increases with the heavy weight of the joints can only be move and contractive. Obstacles may concentric movement (all directions of movement) and exentrise (one-way movement only).

C. rigid morning

Rigid joints is a symptom that often found, but usually not more than 30 minutes. Joints usually appear stiff in the morning or after immobility such as sitting in a chair or in the car long enough, or even wake up after sleeping.

D. Crepitation

Crepitation a sense of sound of chattering teeth and sometimes can be heard. crepitus can be found without the pain, but usually related to blunt the pain. This phenomenon may arise because both the surface friction at the joint or joints are moved passively manipulated.

E. swelling of joints often asymmetric

Sometimes found joint swelling due to fluid efusion joints that are usually not many (1 km, but limited to 1 s / d 1 km) 1
(takes approximately 15 minutes) 2
500-900 m (takes about 8-15 minutes) 3
300-500 m 4
100-300 m 5

But now........


Animated Pictures Myspace Comments

Unbelieveable : but it`s the Truth : Healing therapy method for Osteoarthritis genu (stage 1 to 3) takes time only less than 15 minutes each session ( 2 to 16 sessions ), the same duration for Plantar fasciitis / Fascia Plantaris also ( just 1 to 2 sessions only). Significant result of these therapy often surprised patients and eyewitness, these scientific, effective, cheap and safely method was found on 1998 in Bali island as my empiric research and has proofed to 117 respondents ( registered on the Office of a Public Prosecutor in Denpasar - Bali )... plus over 100 more patients now in Surabaya and continues.


registration 1 of 4


research cards 2 of 117 and still running


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( asma / sesak napas )

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This method has been reported to :

* Ibu Negara Indonesia, Ny Ani Yudhoyono on August 22, 2008.

* FDA - Food and Drug Administration, USA
and got responses on March 17, 2009
followed by kind long distance phone calls from :
Regulatory Advisor ( confidential )
Registrar Corp
144 Research Drive
Hampton, Virginia, USA 23666
Tel:  +1-757-224-0177 ext 305
Fax:  +1-757-224-0179
Email: ( confidential )
Web Site:

* NCCAM - National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
on March 19, 2009.

* Arthritis Foundation

* Consulate-General of Japan in Surabaya
Address : Jl. Sumatera 93
Surabaya - Indonesia
Phone local : (031) 503.0008
International : +62.31.503.0008
Fax local : (031) 503.0037
International : +62.31.503.0037

* Prime Minister KAN's BLOG ( Japan )

My name is Hamsiadi Santoso - Architect, FT Arch PETRA University, living in Surabaya-Indonesia, I`m very sure that these method become one of Medical / Alternate / Complementary innovation therapy, even maybe they become a "backbone" for making many healing tools, not just therapy tools or health tools for Osteoarthritis genu & Plantar Fasciitis.
I wish these method useful to many people who need an easy, effective, cheap & safely healing therapy for Osteoarthritis genu & Plantar fasciitis

NOW also... The Fastest & Safest HEALING THERAPY Method


If you have some idea......... please write to me by e-mail

together let us help them !

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this post about knee osteoarthritis NJ. Good job.
